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My HTML Experimenting Page

An old dog learns new tricks!

Home Page

Well, here it is. My official genuine HTML homework page. This is where I will display all my successes and goofups.

Explore Virtual University

And I've already not followed directions, because that VU thingy right at the end of the sentence was just ugly. LOL, So I fixed it before I left the end of the first lesson.

Bold Text

Bold Italicized Text

Bold Italicized Red Text

Testing spacing

If you're wondering why I chose black as a background color. I have poor vision, so I need the contrast. A white page causes too much glare to read easily.

These aren't very long paragraphs but I'm just experimenting with the font sizes, colors, and spacing. This is pretty cool. I think I might just be getting the hang of it.

Trying   this     out       too.